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Bridges of Budapest

8s | f/13 | ISO 100 | 47mm

I made a citytrip to Budapest in September. Budapest is a wonderful city with plenty of opportunities for photography. In a way it is an undiscovered gem in Europe. There are so many impressive buildings there, it is really amazing for Hungary which is a country of less than 10 million people.

The city is composed of two merged cities: Buda and Pest, with the Danube river running through them. The bridges of Budapest, especially the historic ones, are truly magnificent. The steel Margareth bridge not only connects the two sides of the river, but also the island in the middle.

The chain bridge or Széchenyi lánchíd, is also grandiose. It is beautifully illuminated during the evening. During world war II all bridges were destroyed by the Germans, but wonderfully restored.

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